Mountain biking

Brandon Semenuk's Part from Unreal Goes Beyond Epic

The time has come. Finally, the long-awaited bike film "unReal" from Teton's Gravity Research factory launched the world tour in Vancouver, BC June 18 to continue throughout the US and overseas. To celebrate the release, the guys at Teton released a full length online of Brandon Semenuk's part that, and now read carefully, was filmed in a single continuous shot! Brandon is one of the best riders on the planet and his part only confirms that "unReal" will deliver exactly what everybody had expected: breathtaking visuals and a boundless world with the feeling of awe and pure joy. It's not exaggerated to say that this will be one of the best bike films of all time. Check it out.
26. 7. 2015

Stay tuned from more Downhill, 4X and BMX videos!

26. 7. 2015

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