Airton Cozzolino Interview
1. Hi Airton. How are you? What have you been up to lately?
Hi, I’ve been traveling a lot lately. Hawaii, Cabo Verde and now I’m finally back in Italy. Just spent a few days in Rome visiting some friends.
2. How did you get started kitesurfing? What or who was your influence?
I started in 2006 with my father Libero Cozzolino, it was so much fun I could not stop.
3. What is the most rewarded moment for you as a kitesurfer, winning a competition, sending a trick or just having a good time?
It was winning the world title in 2011. It was the most important thing in my life.
4. How's your life changed after the title? Do you get more chicks? :)
Yeah, I became more famous, got more sponsors and contacts… ahahah chicks :) Let’s say the Title helped but I was ok even before it :)
5. What do you do when you are not in the water? Do you do any other sports or are you a home-bird? Are you a party animal?:)
When I am not in the water I train a lot. I go to the gym 4 days a week to be strong and fluid. Yeah, I do surf, standup, windsurf, skate.
Party animal….noooops but one of my favorite movies is Project X ;) (Editor's note: Project X is a wild house party comedy movie)
another Airton's love - SUP
6. Do you have any ritual before a competition?
I focus and concentrate a lot listening to music and relaxing as much as I can.
7. What motivates you?
Good luck from my father before a competition.
8. Tell our readers about the Red Bull Unfastened. By the way, congrats on the 2014 victory in Sardinia. How did the idea of riding strapless come up?
Thanks, the Strapless is really new stuff, a lot of guys are starting to do crazy things like double rodeo…...
My idea was to organize a competition like no one before. I like to do things never done before keeping to push the limits. Being the best. RedBull played a central role in organizing the “Unfastened” event in Sardinia, so I would love to thank all the Red Bull Crew for the support they gave me. My dream came true.
9. What was the best place you have been to so far? And why? Which part of the World would you still like to visit?
I was in New Caledonia for a northkiteboarding trip, incredible place and incredible conditions. Next stop……I really would love to go to Australia.
10. Favorite kitesurfing location at home? When can we meet you there?
It's always cool to be in my sweet home Cape Verde - Sal, I will be back there in November so if you want to ride with me feel free.
11. The craziest thing you have ever done? It doesn't have to be necessarily associated with kitesurfing though:)
Craziest thing, let me think…..Yep for sure it was the Blue Tornado in Gardaland ( Italian Amusement Park), it was so scary but so much fun.
12. Biggest challenge you have ever faced?
I was riding Mauritius with 15-feet wave. I cannot say how big the wave was and light wind too so it was so dangerous but at the same time a dream to be in the water.
13. Any tip you would recommend our readers to get better at kitesurfing?
Ride every day, train a lot and try, try, try till you close the trick you have in mind. Do not stop because nothing is impossible ;)
14. It was nice to chatting with you Airton. Keep it up and we wish you all the best; no injuries, having fun and more titles in the future!
Thank you a lot for the interview, it was a pleasure. Aloha!!!!
All images were used with permission of Airton's management; Copyrights applied.