Tips for your Backside Riding with Reider Decker
Here are four simple tips to get the most out of your backside riding.
1) Adjust your harness. Adjusting your harness so it’s pointing more down the line and/or towards the kite can give you a lot more mobility on the wave. This should happen naturally when you’re on the wave unless your harness is really tight or you’re in a seat harness, in which case a sliding bar or rope shackle system might help. Only expert kiters should consider shackle systems.
2) Don’t be afraid to throw your body weight and hit it hard! "For me at least, I really have to throw my body around a lot harder than with a frontside hit, so add a couple notches of power compared to your normal frontside hit," Reider adds. Try to use and rotate your whole body starting with your shoulders to get a solid hit off the wave.
3) Be aware of your position on the wave. One of the hardest things about riding backside is you only see part of your wave and potential line. This makes timing and placement on the wave challenging. You have to learn when to start throwing your turn, without always being able to see the whole wave. To do this you have to pay attention to your position on the wave, then you’ll know how much room you have and when to start the turn, without having to see your whole way through it.
4) Don’t get frustrated. Riding backside is hard and takes lots of practice.
that's how you do it!
Now, get on the water and give it your best!
Watch Reider backside hacks in the latest Airush video, Tales Of Stoke: Maui Edition below.
Source: and Vimeo.