
A 'Givres' Adventure to the Cape Horn, a Maritime Legend

'Givrés' means frosted in French but can also be translated as crazy. No matter the meaning, there is a good reason why three French World Champions in paddleboarding emerged into cold waters of South America. Fresh water supplies are limited and the demand is growing - fresh water and energy will continue to increase significantly over the upcoming decades. This increase will put an enormous pressure on resources everywhere in the world, and particularly in emerging economies and developing countries. The preservation of « the blue gold » remains a key motivation of this interesting project.
12. 1. 2015 Photos: 20

Three World Champions: Stéphanie Geyer Barneix , lifesaving and paddle board World Champion with a moving story recovered from breast cancer and continues to launch sporting challenges to call for action. For this challenge, she wants to surpass herself to bring people together around water supplies protection. Alexandra Lux, lifesaving World Champion from 2010. Alongside her workouts, she also trains young people to lifesaving. Spanish native  Itziar Avascal , long distance paddle board World Champion from 2014. Those are the three brave women who have embarked on a remarkable journey with a reason.

Beyond the sporting challenge, the onboard team is in charge of taking samples which will be later analyzed by a French laboratory. The theme validated by the scientific committee is the study of plastic particles and micro-particles. The goal is to help to know the evolution of the presence of plastic in waters around the Cape Horn, the southernmost tip of South America.

CAP Ô PAS CAP in Short:

  • 3 women - 3 lifesaving world champion
  • 1 paddleboard - A unique challenge
  • A will of iron to cross Cape Horn.
  • The course - 2 Oceans - 2 countries - 1 Cape  
  • About 12 days in a 2°C water, facing strong winds and gigantic opposing currents

After long weeks of patience, the three ultra paddlers and their team were finally able to take off, Friday, January the 2nd, to start their sports and scientific expedition. Due to extremely difficult weather and navigation conditions, the navigation team in agreement with the paddlers and the rest of the team, took last week the decision to change the originally planned route for security issues. The path is just as difficult technically but offers refuge and shelter options in bad conditions. It preserves the inherent values of the challenge Cap O Pas Cap.

Alexandra Lux took the first relay of the expedition in the Garibaldi Fjord at the foot of the Picos Azules glacier, January the 2nd at 15:35 local time.

Despite the wind, the full-face swell and sometimes opposite and very changing currents, the paddlers are moving fast as they have already covered more than 80 nautical miles in just two days in the Beagle Channel. For now the cold is not too intense and allows our 3 athletes to paddle in their wetsuit, hood and booties ... although sometimes a dry suit is a must!

For security reasons, the girls cannot paddle during the night. The Chilean army prohibited it as orcas, one of the most dangerous predators in the area, are on the course. The latest relay ends at 22:45, and they resume from 04:00 am. Now, the 3 athletes have decided to continue east on the Beagle Channel to join the Atlantic and round Cape Horn. Stay tuned for more.

Photos: © G.Gannieux/Wellingtonsport

Source: http://www.capopascap.com

12. 1. 2015
Tags Kayaking

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